
Higher Education Institutes, as key players in the national and international innovation system, have turned to processes that, while making them flexible, transparent, and competitive, have faced new demands in a process of transformation, such as multi-functionality, competitiveness, and comparability. One of the distinguishing features of Imam Javad Higher Education Institute of Yazd is the Human Resources Studies Research Group, which was established in 2019 with the aim of conducting basic studies and problem solving in the field of human resources and organizational behavior in order to solve problems and provide solutions for improvement in industry, and public and private organizations. This group, with the active participation of the faculty members of the institute, has attracted researchers from outside the institute and is now working with 5 main inner members and 3 foreign researchers, some of whom are graduates of this institute. In order to bridge the industry and university gap, this research group is ready to provide service by applied research, training, consulting in the field of organizational behavior and human resources to public and private organizations and sectors.

Special Services

  • Holding events in the field of Human Resources

  • Provide structural reforms and new mechanisms

  • Publication of scientific articles and achievements in the field of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior

  • Provide practical and applied solutions to solve problems in the field of Human Resources

  • Providing Human Resource services to the public sector, public and private institutions, etc.

  • Continuous communication of students and graduates with the industry through the definition of applied projects and dissertations

  • Improving the knowledge level of Human Resources of managers of public and private organizations through holding courses and workshops

  • Providing advice to public and private institutions on the problem of identifying problems and shortcomings in the field of organizational structure

  • Pathology of issues in the field of human resources and organizational behavior including performance improvement, efficiency, in-service training, job stress, participatory and etc.

Education for Life

Human Resource Studies Director

Human Resource Studies Expert

Mahzan Tavakoli

  • PHD Degree in Industrial Management from the University of Tehran


Faezeh Bayat

  • Master’s Degree of Public Administration


  • +98 353 828 1200-3 (extension 280)


Dariush Poursarrajian
Dariush PoursarrajianPHD
Organizational Behavior Management
University of Tehran
Mahnaz Tavakoli
Mahnaz TavakoliPHD
Industrial Management
University of Tehran
Mona EsmailZadeh
Mona EsmailZadehPHD
Business Management
Yazd University
Solaleh Shahvazian
Solaleh ShahvazianPHD
Behavioral Management
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abolfazl Sherafat
Abolfazl SherafatPHD
Production – Operations Management
University of Tehran
Faezeh Bayat
Faezeh BayatMaster's Degree
Public Administration
Allameh Tabataba’i University

Achievements and Scientific Research Activities of Group Members

International Publications


Reviewing knowledge of human resource measurement models: comparing and identifying the strengths and weaknesses, Esmailzadeh, M., Sabokrou, M., Etebarian, A. (2020). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Designing a New Model for Organizational Websites Evaluation, Sherafat, A. Davoodi,M,, (2018). International Journal of Information Science and Management, 16(1), 49-69

Designing a new model for evaluating the maintenance system. Sherafat, A. Davoodi,M, (2017). Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and production. 7(1), Page 49-67

A dichotomous perception on talent retention factors: Phenomenography strategy. Shahvazian, S., Mortazavi, S. Lagzian, M., Rahimnia, F. (2016). Iranian Journal of management studies, 9(4), Page 675-706

The dynamic model of knowledge management practices in small and medium-sized enterprises to gain competitive advantage, Esmailzadeh, M., soltani, A., (2014). Arth Prabhand, A Journal of Economic and Management, September 2014

The relationship between hardiness and burnout among the teachers of the universities and higher educational institutes – case study. Porsarajian. D, Haji Moradi, A, Alizadeh Naeeni, A. (2013). European Journal of Natural and Social Sciences .2(3) pp. 500-506

National Publications – Scientific Research


Designing a Knowledge Assessment Model for Faculty Members in Iranian Universities and Higher Education Institutions, Esmailzadeh, Mona, Sabkroo, Mehdi and Etebarian, Akbar (2020). Journal of Organizational Culture Management, University of Tehran, Volume 18, No. 1.

Challenges of Human Resource Management During the Transition from the Corona crisis and Providing a Solution in the Iranian Hotel Industry, Shahvazian, Solaleh (2020). Quarterly Journal of Tourism Management Studies.

Identification and Analysis of Maintenance Evaluation Scenarios of the System Using Data Theory and Fuzzy Perception Mapping, Sherafat, Abolfazl, Karimi, Farahnaz and Davoodi, Mohammad Reza (2019). Journal of Engineering and Quality Management, No. 9.

Investigating the Impact of Market Orientation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Performance, Sherafat, Abolfazl, Konjkav Monfared and Sheikh Alishahi, Fatemeh (2019). Quarterly Journal of Quantitative Studies in Management.

Presenting an Interactive Model of Human Resources in the Science and Technology Parks of the Country Using the System Dynamics Approach, Poursarrajian, Dariush, Taslimi, Mohammad Saeed, Amiri, Mojtaba and Mashayekhi, Alinaghi (2018). Strategy Quarterly Journal, No. 27.

Application of Exploratory and Analytical Factor Analysis in Knowledge Assessment (Case Study: University Faculty Members), Esmailzadeh, Mona, Sabkroo, Mehdi and Etebarian, Akbar (2018). Journal of Management Perspective of Shahid Beheshti University, Volume 9, No. 36, pp. 15-39.

National Publications – Scientific extension


A Review of Knowledge Mobilization Strategies in Knowledge-based Organizations, Shahvazian, Solaleh (2020). Human Resource Studies, Volume 10, No. 2.

Development of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Model Based on Emotional Intelligence Components (Case Study: Yazd University Staff), Rajabi Ravari, Mehdi, Shahvazian, Solaleh and Kahdooi, Somayeh (2019). Scientific Journal of Research in Psychology, Educational Sciences and Social Sciences, No. 16.

Introducing and Using the “Positive Differentiation” Approach in Identifying the Performance Improvement Capacities of Institutions Located in Yazd Science and Technology Park, Owlia, Mohammad Saleh, Zare Bandadokouki, Abbas, Haji Gholam Sarizadi, Ali, Shokouhi, Shahram and Poursarrajian, Dariush (2014). Technology Development Quarterly, No. 38.

Strategies for Optimizing Energy Consumption in Buildings, Sherafat, Abolfazl, Asadi, Abolfazl and Zarei, Hossein (2013). Journal of Ganjineh of Engineering of Yazd Province, Twelfth Year, No. 39.

Determining and Prioritizing Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Universities and Higher Education Centers: A case study of Imam Javad Higher Education Institute, Poursarrajian, Dariush, Owlia, Mohammad Saleh and Soltani Aliabadi, Mojgan (2013). Technology Development Quarterly, No. 34.

Determining and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Success of Knowledge Management in the Science and Technology Parks, Salari, Nasibeh, Poursarrajian, Dariush, Owlia, Mohammad Saleh and Shokouhi, Shahram (2011). Technology Development Quarterly, No. 27.

 National and International Conferences


Input Data of Staff Invisibility, Shahvazian, Solaleh (2020). Sixth International Conference on Management and Accounting Sciences.

A Review of Managers’ Behavioral Patterns, Teleworking and Preservation of Human Resources and Extracting Their Indicators, Esmailzadeh, Mona, Sherafat, Abolfazl and Kheirandish, Mohsen (2020). 8th International Conference on Research in Management, Economics and Development, November 19, 2020, Tehran.

Analysis of the Dynamic Structure of Human Resources at the Level of Science and Technology Parks Using the Qualitative Dynamics Approach of Systems, Poursarrajian, Dariush, Taslimi, Mohammad Saeed, Haji Gholam Sarizadi, Ali and Soltani, Mojgan (2018). The First National Conference on Systemic Thinking in Action, December 11 and 12, 2018, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

Presenting a Conceptual Framework for Organizational Silence, Shahvazian, Solaleh and Zabihi Mahmoud Abadi, Saeedeh (2018). Third International Conference on Research Approaches in Management, Economics, Accounting and Humanities.

Challenges of Implementing Electronic Human Resource Management in Jiroft University and Presenting Solutions for Improvement, Esmailzadeh, Mona (2017). 7th International Conference on Management and Accounting, February 17, 2017, Tehran.

Written Books

Training Courses

Research Projects and Plans


Dr. Abolfazl Sherafat

Design and Implementation of Knowledge Management System in Yazd Science and Technology Park


Dr. Mona Esmailzadeh

Presenting the Knowledge Measures of the Faculty Members of the Country’s Universities


Dr. Dariush Poursarrajian

Implementation of a Research Project to Establish a Technology Management and Development Center in Yazd Science and Technology Park


Dr. Dariush Poursarrajian

Implementation of Study Plan and Training Planning for Managers of Science and Technology Parks in the Country


Dr. Solaleh Shahvazian

Designing a Method for Evaluating the Performance of University Employees Using 360-degree Feedback


Dr. Solaleh Shahvazian

Strategic Planning of Hazrat Javadalaimeh Charity-Cultural Institute


The audience of the research group in the following categories can contact the group for study and applied research, training, consulting and services in the field of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources:

– Managers of government organizations and bodies

– Private business managers

– Researchers in the field of organizational behavior and human resources

– Members of scientific management associations

– Students interested in research activities

The audience of the research group in the following categories can contact the group for study and applied research, training, consulting and services in the field of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources:

– The Human Resources Studies Research Group consists of faculty members with a doctorate degree in Management (Organizational Behavior and Human Resources) who have research backgrounds and desirable experiences in this field.

– Activities in the research group of Human Resources Studies is carried out as a team that leads to synergy, increase in productivity and better results achievements.

– If researchers outside the group succeed in concluding a contract in a research project, they will have the initial conditions to be recruited as a research faculty.

If the respected researchers succeed in concluding a contract for a research project with the cooperation and supervision of the university, they can apply to the research director of the university in accordance with the regulations for attracting research faculty, and the necessary measures will be taken by the institute.

To be a member of the Human Resources Studies Research Group, it is necessary to complete the membership form or call +983538281200 (extension 280).

If the project has been prepared by researchers outside the group, it is necessary to present it in the group meetings and get it approved by the esteemed members and they will cooperate as collaborators, managers and supervisors of the project.